Set Phase/ Phase Categories as Billable/Non-Billable
under review
Sanne van der Ploeg
We do the same thing, but with tags. It would be great to have the option to predefine certain tags as billable or non-billable.
Mark Heydon
Great that this is being considered. If it goes ahead, will need to be in the results returned in the API as well for integration with billing systems.
Judy Samuelian
Was just requesting this when I say this post. This would be immensely helpful
Sara Foschini
under review
Would it be possible to add a "checkbox" feature that would allow ones entries to be billable vs. non-billable when you go to enter your time. On the front end of setting up the "Phases" to choose from, you could asign whether or not you want that checkbox to be "checked" or "not-checked" by default. This would be a tremendously useful feature for us.
Mark Heydon
This has been bugging me since pretty much day one I started using Timeneye, I'm surprised it hasn't got my interest from users to 'fix' really. Suppose not all users/industries are heavily into using Timeneye for billing purposes maybe.